I code stuff.

I spend most of my days deep in code — and though it really means nothing other than the fact that I've built the habit of coding — my current GitHub streak is now over 10 years long.

My current code editor of choice is VS Code (yes with GitHub Copilot). And though I've worked in just about every language at one point or another throughout my career, these days I'm mostly coding Python and Javascript (mostly NodeJs, JQuery and React Native).

I also work a lot with AWS and often choose MongoDB as my primary data store. My frontend technologies of choice are mostly Tailwind and plain old JQuery. And for mobile dev, these days I've been enjoying developing in both Ract Native and Flutter.

Check out Hacker Overvlow!

I built Hacker Overflow to be a private community of software builders & doers where we share tech, hacks, get feedback, debug code, solve problems, learn together, and just generally help each other become better builders.

If you're a software dev of any level, we would love to have you join us!

Below are some other code & tech things I've published

Coding Stripe Subscriptions with NodeJS
Udemy video course

In this course we'll walk you through all the technical details of handling Stripe Subscriptions via your NodeJS application.

Pro Active Record

Pro Active Record helps you take advantage of the full power of your database engine from within your Ruby programs and Rails applications. ActiveRecord, part of the magic that makes the Rails framework so powerful and easy to use, is the model element of the Rails Model-View-Controller framework. It's an object-relational mapping library enabling you to interact with databases from both Ruby and Rails applications.

Web Services with Rails

This PDF will show you how your small business or enterprise can publish its APIs (application programming interface) to a developer community just like the behemoths of the Internet--Google, Yahoo!, eBay, and Amazon.

Mobile game with Flutter code walk through
Youtube video walkthrough

In this video I walk you through some of the early Flutter source code for a small mobile word game I built.

Alexa buttons game code walk through
Youtube video walkthrough

In this video I walk you through the source code for an alexa buttons skill I built called "Lie Detector". I believe Alexa has since discontinued the buttons, but the project is still a fun stroll down memory lane.

Alexa code walk through
Youtube video walkthrough

In this video I walk you through the source code for an alexa skill I built as part of a weekly content series I used to do for a small cohort of fans (via Kickstarter and their now dead "Drip" program).