I do some writing.

I have published a book (with Apress), a couple of technical PDFS (with O'Reilly), and I've contributed to a few other publications as well throughout the years.

I also ramble here and there online about various startups, ideas, and tech things.

I also do some other things too.

In my free time I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids. Though my kids are now grown, through the years I've run a local Scout troop, coached youth track, baseball, basketball, and football.

Coaching Sports

Through the years I've been an assistant coach for a number of teams across a variety of sports including track, baseball, basketball, and football.

I've probably been most involved with football through the years (with over 12 seasons at some level of coaching now in the books). Most recently I've been volunteering at our local high school to help coach the freshmen football team.

Fantasy Sports

I was origionally introduced to Fantasy Football during my days at Corry Publishing in the early-to-mid 90s.

Through that exposure I ended up building a bunch of software, services, & businesses that had various levels of success throughout the space and over the years.

These days I don't do much in the fantasy sports realm (I barely even play myself anymore). But I do still help support a few sites & services that friends in my network still operate.

Live Streaming

I've been trying to learn more about, and get much better at, live streaming on Twitch.tv recently.

I mostly play old-school video games and whenever possible I like to have in-person guests come play & stream with me.

Micro Breweries

I always enjoy a good beer or two in my down time. I have also enjoyed dablling with making my own beer through the years (though it's been awhile since I've brewed my last batch).

I'm lucky to have some great Micro Breweries near my house, but I also love going on adventures to explore new ones (especially when I'm travling to new locations).

Startup Investing

I sometimes write incredibly tiny angel checks (mostly just for companies I'm actively mentoring and/or helping get their tech & tech team off the ground).

I'm also a very small Limited Parnter (LP) in a couple of Venture Capital funds.

Since I don't write very big checks, and I'm not a super active investor, for me startup investing more about just trying to help teams build interesting things.


As a former life guard & high school swim team member, swimming has always been one of my favorite activities and workouts.

These days I don't get into the pool nearly enough, but my running goal is at least two to three times a week.


My wife & kids love to travel, and we try to get at least one family vacation in a year. Now that the kids are collage age (or older) it's getting harder to schedule the entire family into one trip, but that just means my wife and I are starting to do even more trips!

To date I've been to about 45 of the 50 United States and only a few other countries...but I'm looking forward to checking a lot more locations off the bucket list in the coming years!