I build games.

Like lots of other developers, I like building games. I find it challenging on a number of levels (forcing me to constantly evolve my ideas, improve my technical skills & push the limits of my creativity).

Below are some table top, mobile, and voice games I've built & published through the years. If you like games and ideas like these, you should consider becoming an insider where you'll get exclusive access to a few more of my games and contests.

Follow my Twitch stream!

I've been live streaming some old school gaming sessions lately — so if you're into that sort of thing, I would love to have you check it out and follow my channel.

Hero Brawl the Card Game
Table Top Card Game

Hero Brawl is a wrestling-themed card game where you compete for the HERO BRAWL TITLE BELT while trying to knock out all the cards in your opponents' hands.

Designed for two to twelve players, takes just a couple of minutes to learn, and only about five to fifteen minutes to play!

For detailed rules & what to do in special situations, please see how to play Hero Brawl.

Fubnub & Bad, Bad Turtle

Table Top Card Game

One deck of cards, two different games, an unlimited amount of family fun!

Fubnub is a strategy based, trick-taking, card game primarily designed for team play. Loosely inspired by the game of Euchre. Designed for 1 to 4 players ages 10+. The average Fubnub play time is about 20 minutes. The winner is the first team to collect 7 of the 15 point cards.

Bad, Bad, Turtle is a quick paced, easy, game that requires you to have more luck than your opponents. Designed for 2 to 4 players ages 5+. The average play time is about 10 minutes. The winner is the player who avoids all the geckos and is the first to find the turtle.

Math Mania

Alexa Voice Game

Math Mania is a simple, but addictive, math game for your Alexa. To give it a try simply say "Alexa, start Math Mania" to your Alexa powered device.

For every correct answer you will earn points. Also, the faster you correctly answer a problem, the more points you earn. As you string a series of correct answers together, you will increase your personal streak and work towards higher levels. The difficulty of the problems you are presented with increases as you level up.

Tap Crazy

iOS & Android Mobile Game

Tap Crazy is a moblie game that combines a crossword and slide puzzle into a fun new challenge!

Players are presented with clues and directions (sim. to a crossword puzzle) and a grid of jumbled letters. The challenge is to slide the characters into the right spots so that the proper word(s) are spelled out in the proper slot(s).

I built the first version of this game as part of a Devpost challenge. The tech is built using the Flutter framework and the app is currently in Test Flight mode for my insiders.

BODIMECA and the Four Bears

Table Top Board Game

Bodimeca and the Four Bears is a board game where you use dice to move meeples and eliminate strategically played cards -- all to help settle, once and for all, who should be crowned "the best bear of them all".

There are two different ways to play, it's quick to learn, fast & engaging to play, and I think just the right mix of strategy and luck. In either version of the game you chose to play, you'll play as one of the four bears, and the object is to be the first one to make it all the way around the board.

You'll strategically play and assign cards to move your bear around the board while also relying on a bit of luck with dice rolls. Unlike traditional board games, every player is involved in every turn.


iOS & Android Mobile Game

Botfu is a mobile, social, fighting game.

Players create & train their robot(s) on a variety of attributes and moves, then go to battle with their friend's robots.

I've built a few different versions of this game/concept throughout the years (some web based, some email based, some social media based) and this current iteration has been "in development" on and off for the past couple of years (the latest is currently available in Test Flight mode for my insiders).

Word Mania

Alexa Voice Game

Word Mania is a simple word guessing game for your Alexa. To give it a try simply say "Alexa, play Word Mania" to your Alexa powered device.

The game will provide a clue and you try to guess the right word. For every correct answer you will earn points. As you string a series of correct answers together, you will increase your personal streak. The difficulty of the words you are presented with increases as you level up.

Memory Mania

Alexa Voice Game

Memory Mania is a simple memory game for your Alexa. To give it a try simply say "Alexa, play Word Mania" to your Alexa powered device.

The game will say a sequence of words and you try to repeat them. When you correctly remember what you've heard you'll earn points. As you string a series of correct answers together, you will increase your personal streak and the sequence will get longer and longer. The length of the sequence you are presented with increases as you correctly repeat what you hear.

Football Mania

Alexa Voice Game

Football Mania is a voice driven football game for your Alexa. To give it a try simply say "Alexa, play Football Mania" to your Alexa powered device.

The game includes kickoffs, basic offense and defense, as well as punts, field goals, interceptions, fumbles, sacks and many of the other exciting things you've come to know and love about the game of football. Take to the gridiron and see if you can run, pass, and kick your way to a Football Mania championship...it just takes practice!

Color Tap

iOS & Android Mobile Game

Color Tap was a fast paced matching game I developed with my oldest son, Timothy Marshall, when he was in middle school.

In addition to being a way for him to earn money towards his first iPhone, I used the project to introduce him to many programming and product building concepts (hopefully helping him catch a bit of the builder's bug at a young age).

Game play involved the system presenting you with a color box in the top section of the screen and then a larger grid of random colors in the main part of the screen. You needed to find the box of matching color in the grid as quickly as possible and tap on it. You earned points for time and streaks and we had a number of different game modes.

TXT Game

iOS & Android Mobile Game

txtGame was a text-based mobile adventure game.

I devloped the game to be a bit of an hommage to old-school games like Zork and to play with some Javascript based mobile dev. environments of the time (the app was eventually published using the phonegap framework). I also used the project to develop an open-source Javascript game engine I called Bearded Wookie